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Taking your organization to the next level with the right technology partner

Updated: Sep 8, 2022

The development of custom software is becoming increasingly important for organizations within the technological change we are experiencing globally.

The right software solution is a tool that adapts perfectly to the company's needs, understands their core business, and allows companies greater efficiency and effectiveness.

Unfortunately, companies often fail to find the right partner for their innovation projects, which affects the cost and, ultimately, the impact of the initiative in the organization.

There are some features you want to find in the right development partner:

  • A good Product Owner makes you feel like he or she has been part of your team for many years. They understand your business, your staff, and your processes.

An experienced product owner is important because he/she will represent you inside the development team during the different phases of the project.

  • A good Scrum Master will deliver your project on time and with good quality.

  • A good Technical Leader will build your software with the best technology stack possible according to the solution parameters.

  • A great team of partners and vendors allows scalability and bandwidth. Both attributes are critical in the ever-changing and fast-paced world of software projects.

However, some intangibles separate the excellent partners from the great ones. These characteristics are not easy to measure, but we recommend you incrementally engage your software vendors so you can experience first-hand these attributes.

  • Decision making in general, a software development partner should not make decisions in your project, but it should help you make sound and timely decisions. Unfortunately, developers don't cope well with uncertainty.

That is why a good project owner is valuable, especially if it's not a software engineer.

This might be counter-intuitive, but your company will benefit if the innovation partner has business analysts or seasoned business executives as part of your development team or project owners.

  • Conflict management: innovation projects are not easy. Technology is temperamental, and new systems ofter encounter resistance from the organization. Big projects have multiple stakeholders with different priorities and agendas.

Technology never fails to change organizations, but the journey is full of storms and challenges.

  • Teamwork: your development partner needs to work well not only with you as the project sponsor but also with various teams in the organization; not only groups involved with the workflows involved with the new software but with support areas like IT, finance, and procurement.

Excellent relationships and personal skills are a great asset of an excellent partner to make the process of delivering a technology project a great team experience.

  • Problem-solving: as we have mentioned before, even the best-planned and managed software project will encounter difficulties.

A great partner will have the ability to detect and internalize a challenge. However, most importantly, it must have the ability to overcome it and manage the issue's risk.

  • Commitment: there are many measures of commitment: time availability, resources dedicated, resolve to see the project through, but we believe the most critical aspect of this characteristic is the commitment towards the client's (your) needs.

There are many software and solution providers that will only provide solutions within their features or capabilities.

The result of this is clients having to shape their workflows and processes to accommodate them to partner strengths.

A committed technology partner will put all its capabilities and resources at the service of solving a problem for its client conveniently and appropriately for the organization.

With so many alternatives available now, it is vital to find the right technology partner with a wide range of coding language skills, frameworks, and proven experience. But that should not be the only criteria for selection.

Long and prosperous relationships are built with the intangibles described in this article. Take your time to discover these virtues or lack of in your partner, and if you find a great one, use it to take your organization to the next level.

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Take your time to discover these virtues or lack of in your partner, and if you find a great one, like Inmov North America, use it to take your organization to the next level and experience digital transformation success! Email us at:

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